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Welcome to the Middle Level Inclusive Youth Leadership Digital Training! This training has been endorsed by the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE). AMLE is the only international organization dedicated to helping middle school educators reach every student, and is a proud partner of Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools®. You can learn more about AMLE here.

Over the course of the four modules that make up this training, you will gain the skills and knowledge to be a strong Inclusive Youth Leader. The topics are as follows:

After you watch each training, there will be short assignments (we call them Exit Tickets!) to complete. Once you have watched each training and completed each associated Exit Ticket, you may gain access to an upcoming #UnifiedGeneration Summit! Check back here for information on Summits for the 2021-2022 school year.

In your final Exit Ticket, you will include your name and the email to which you would like all Summit information sent. In addition, you will receive a Certificate of Completion in recognition of your work towards Inclusive Youth Leadership. Enjoy the trainings and thank you for being a part of the #UnifiedGeneration!

Each of the below Inclusive Youth Leadership trainings corresponds to a section of the Inclusive Youth Leadership Training Facilitator's Guide and Youth Engagement Resource. Please feel free to follow along with the below trainings using the Facilitator Guide or Youth Resource.



Section 1: Exploring Leadership

As we begin our leadership journey and identify how we lead, it is important to know and understand different leadership styles. Everyone has a different approach to leadership based on their personality, experiences, and strengths. When we work with people who lead differently than we do, it helps our team become even better!

In this training, you will explore leadership styles and the importance of diversity in leadership, learn the difference between strengths-based leadership and values-based leadership and understand the values of Inclusive Youth Leadership.


Complete Exit Ticket #1 here.



Section 2: Me as a Leader

As an Inclusive Youth Leader, it is important for you to know what your strengths are in leadership and what you bring to a group. Being confident in who we are as leaders helps us bring our best self to the game. It allows fellow leaders to welcome, celebrate, and showcase our unique talents. With the help of other youth leaders, you will learn more about the various skills and tools needed to become a strong leader in your community, whether that is in your school or on the field.

In this training, you will learn more about the various skills that are shown in a strong leader. We will explore topics such as listening, empowerment, adaptation, and diversification that will enhance your leadership skills and ultimately uplift your community!

Complete Exit Ticket #2 here.



Section 3: Co-Leadership

As we have learned over the past two trainings, everyone has unique skills and leadership styles. The more people we meet, the more leadership styles we will get to know. Leading with others, especially those with different perspectives, is a skill that every Inclusive Youth Leader should have. Co-leadership can be done between any two people, as it helps create new connections and paves the way for new ideas.

In this training, you will learn more about the benefits of co-leadership, and how you can become an effective co-leader in your community! We will discuss important, and sometimes difficult, concepts such as bias, equality, equity, and justice. Gaining a deeper appreciation and understanding of these things will help you become a stronger Inclusive Youth Leader!

Complete Exit Ticket #3 here.



Section 4: Leading as a Team

In the last three trainings, you explored the concept of leadership, uncovering what qualities make a leader and discovering how to be a co-leader with others in your community. Now we are going to take these leadership skills you have gained and discuss how you can be a leader WITH your team. Just because you are a youth leader doesn’t mean you have to lead alone!

In this training, you will learn how to be a leader within a team. You will explore the difference between exclusion, separation, integration, and inclusion and their importance when building an inclusive team.  You will also learn about the stages of team development. These skills, along with the skills you have learned during the last three trainings, will prepare you to be a strong Inclusive Youth Leader.

Complete Exit Ticket #4 here.

Make sure you complete the above Final Exit Ticket for your certificate and important follow-up information!

Thank you for completing the Middle Level Foundational Inclusive Youth Leadership Training.